Important Dates 2025 26


No Particulars Date
1  Staff First Academic Day  2nd June
2  School Reopen  16th June
3  1st Unit Test  4th-13th August
4  1st Semester(Pre Primary)  6th - 15th Oct.
5  1st Semester Exam  1st - 15th Oct
6  Result display (1st   Sem.)  30th November 
7  Admission Form Dist. &   Submission   1st January  Onwards 
8  2nd Unit Test 13th - 22nd Jan
9  Submission of Admin Form  1st April
10  2nd Semester (Pre Primary)  8th - 20th April
11  2nd Semester Exam  8th - 20th April
12  Result display (2nd  Sem.)  24th April
13  Summer Vacation  21st April -   14th June
14  Staff Last Working Day  1st May
15  School Reopens   15th June 2026


No Activities Date
1  1st Medical Checkup  2nd July
2  Speech Competition(Primary)  12th July
3  Debate (Secondary)  8th September
4  Paper Tearing (Pre Primary)  6th October
5  Picnic (Primary)  15th November
6  Picnic (Secondary)  22nd November
7  Picnic (Pre Primary)  27th November
8  2nd Medical Checkup  3rd December
9  Sports (Pre Primary and Primary)  20th December
10  Annual Funct. (Secondary)  11th January
11  Model Making (Secondary)  12th February
12  Award Day  14th February
13  Best out of waste (Primary)  28th February
14  Drawing Compt.(Pre Primary)  9th March