Parent Teacher Monthly Meeting 2025 26

Junior Kg to Tenth
Sr Date Day
1 04-July 1st Friday
2 01-August 1st Friday
3 05-September 1st Friday
4 03-October 1st Friday
5 07-November 1st Friday
6 05-December 1st Friday
7 02-January 1st Friday
8 06-February 1st Friday
9 06-March 1st Friday
10 03-April 1st Friday
Section  Time  Location
Pre primary 08:00 am to 08:30 am Hifz Class
Primary 08:00 am to 08:30 am 4th Class
Secondary 08:00 am to 08:30 am 5th Class
Muallimeen 08:00 am to 08:30 am Senior Kg
Muallimat 08:00 am to 08:30 am Junior Kg


On every 1st friday, parents from Junior Kg to std 10th can come to meet teachers to know thier chid's academic progress. Teachers alongwith HOD’s communicate with parents regarding better academic progress. Classroom behaviour & other child related issues.

 After parents meet HOD’s is taking monthly evaluation from each teacher of lesson plan, class discipline, tests and instructs them about next months action plan. In meeting with teachers.Teachers are strictly presenting each childs strength and weakness in studies to Principal

After that entire staff have meeting with chairman sir. In that HOD’s presents both meetings customised summary section wise. The children who are weak in academics are focused to take a better decision for their educational improvement.

Any timely issues arisen by staff or their difficulties regarding school are solved in the meeting. Suggestions given by the staff regarding academic progress, discipline etc are always been welcomed. All the necessary steps are discussed to make education and behaviour of child excellent together by all staff under the guidance of Chairman sir.