Paper Pattern Secondary 2nd Unit

Std Sixth (2nd Unit )
Q.No English (Chp.: 3.1 to 3.7) Marks
Q1  Language study 6
1  Tenses  
2  Modal verb  
3  Compound words / find hidden word / word register  
4  Parts of speech  
Q2  Seen Passage 5
1  Objective types of question 1
2  Answer the following questions 2
3  Grammar 1
4  Personal response. 1
Q3  Seen poem 5
1  Objective types of question. 2
2  Answer the following questions. 2
3  Grammar 1
Q4  Writing skills 4
1  Speech writing / letter writing  
Q.No Hindi Writing (Chp.: 1 - 4), Oral (Chp.:5) Marks
प्रश्न 1)  कोष्ठक में से उचित शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए
2)  कथन के सामने सही(√) या गलत(×) का चिन्ह लगाओ 2
3)  नीचे लिखे वाक्य किसने किससे कहें 2
4)  एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखो - 
5)  निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-एक वाक्य में लिखो 2
प्रश्न 6  व्याकरण 10 
   1)शब्दार्थ /संज्ञा /सर्वनाम   
   2)समानार्थी शब्द  
    3 विरुद्धार्थी शब्द  
    4) उपसर्ग प्रत्यय  
   6 )मुहावरे/ कहावतें   
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: १०, ११, १२) Marks
प्र 1 अ)   पुढील उतारा वाचून त्या खालील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा  (6)
प्र 2आ)  पुढील कडवं वाचून त्या खालील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा (7)
प्र 3 इ)  व्याकरण( अंक अक्षरात, विरामचिन्हे, काळ, वचन )   (5)
प्र 4 ई )  स्वमत लिहा  (2)
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 10 - 12) Marks
1  SOLVE ANY TWO (Choose the correct alternative) 2
2  SOLVE ANY TWO (match the column) 2
Q.No Science (Chp.: 9 - 12) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 2
2A  Match the column  2
B  True or False 2
3A  Name the following 2
B  Can you tell 2
C  Why is this so? 2
4  Difference between? 2
5  Give scientific reason (Any 1) 2
6  Answer the following questions. (Any 2) 4
Q.No History (Chp.: 7 & 8) Marks
1  Can you Explain / Tell ? 2
2  Answer in one sentence. 2
3  Recall and describe/Describe in your own words/ Discuss and write (Any 1) 2
Q.No Civics (Chp.: 04) Marks
1  Choose the right option and fill in the blanks  2
2  Answer in brief. 2
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 06 - 07) Marks
1  Find the odd man out 2
2  Write the answer 3
3  Find the difference between. 3
4  Identify the monumnents. 2


Std Seventh (2nd Unit )
Q.No English (Chp.: 3.1 to 3.6) Marks
Q1  Language study 6
1  Direct / Indirect object  
2  Complements  
3  Change the voice  
4  Compound words / Word chain / Find hidden words  
Q2  Seen Passage 5
1  Objective types of question 1
2  Answer the following questions 2
3  Grammar 1
4  Personal response. 1
Q3  Seen poem 5
1  Objective types of question. 2
2  Answer the following questions. 2
3  Grammar 1
Q4  Writing skills 4
1  Report writing  
2  Letter writing (formal)  
Q.No Hindi (Chp.: 1 - 5), Reading & Grammer (Chp.: 4) Marks
प्रश्न 1)  कोष्ठक में से उचित शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए  2
2)  कथन के सामने सही(√) या गलत(×) का चिन्ह लगाओ 2
3)  नीचे लिखे वाक्य किसने किससे कहें 2
4)  एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखो  2
5)  निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-एक वाक्य में लिखो
   व्याकरण 10 
   1 )शब्दार्थ  
   2 )युग्म शब्द  
   3) अव्यय शब्द  
   4) समोच्चारित  भिन्नार्थक शब्द.  
   5) मुहावरे/ कहावतें /गिनती.  
Q.No Marathi (Chp.:  ८, ९ ) Marks
प्र १  पुढील उतारा वाचून त्या खालील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा (६)
प्र २   पुढील कविता वाचून त्या खालील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा  (६)
प्र ३  व्याकरण सोडवा  (६)
प्र ४  स्वमत लिहा   (२)
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 9 - 11) Marks
1  SOLVE ANY TWO (Choose the correct alternative) 2
2  SOLVE ANY TWO (match the column) 2
Q.No Science (Chp.: 11 - 15) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 2
2A  Match the column  2
B  Write the names of elements from the following symbols 1
3  Who is telling lie 1
4  Give scientific reasons. (Any 2) 4
5  Similarities and difference between. 4
6  Answer the following questions. (Any 2) 4
7  Explain why? 2
Q.No History (Chp.: 07 - 09) Marks
1  Give one word for 2
2  Choose the correct option 2
3  Give reason (Any 1) 2
Q.No Civics (Chp.: 04 & 05) Marks
1  Answer the following in brief (Any 1) 2
2  Find one appropriate word 2
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 06 - 07) Marks
1  Read the following statement carefully and correct the wrong one and write them Down. 2
2  Complete the following table and write them down. 2
3  Give reason (any 1) 2
4  Answer the following question (Any 1) 2
5  GIve information on 2


Std Eighth (2nd Unit )
Q.No English (Chp.: 3.1 to 3.4) Marks
   Language study (Tenses, Clauses)  
   Do as directed 6
   Underline the verb forms and state their tense  
   Write main clause and subordinate clause encircle the subordinate  
  Section – II : Textual passage (Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)  
   Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below  5
1  Objective types of question 1
2  Answer the following questions 2
3  Give the meaning of  1
4  Personal response. 1
   Section – III : Poetry  
   Read the following extract and complete the activities that follows : 5
1  Objective types of question. 1
2  Answer the following questions. 2
3  Give the meaning of  1
4  Name and explain the figure of speech 1
   Section – IV : Writing Skills  
   Writing skills 4
1  1)Report Writing OR (2) Expansions of ideas  
Q.No Hindi (Chp.: 1 - 4), Reading & Grammer (Chp.: 3) Marks
   विभाग 1:गद्य.  7
   विभाग 2:पद्य  6
   विभाग 3:व्याकरण।  3
   विभाग 4:रचना विभाग  4
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: ८, ९, १०) Marks
प्र १  पुढील उतारा वाचून  प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा  (७)
प्र २  पुढील कविता वाचून प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा (६)
प्र ३  स्वमत लिहा (२)
प्र ४  व्याकरण लिहा (५)
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 10 - 12) Marks
1  SOLVE ANY TWO (Choose the correct alternative) 2
2  SOLVE ANY TWO (match the column) 2
Q.No Science (Chp.: 11 - 14) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 2
2A  Match the column  2
B  True or False 1
3A  Write the chemical names from given formulae 1
B  Who is telling the truth. 1
4  Difference between  2
5A  Explain with reasons 1
B  Explain by writing a word equation. 2
6A  Answer the following (Any 3) 6
B  Solve the following 2
Q.No History (Chp.: 10 to 11) Marks
1  Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate option 2
2  Write shorts notes (Any 1) 2
3  Explain the following statement with reason (Any 1) 2
Q.No Civics (Chp.: 04) Marks
1  Complete the table 1
2  Choose the correct option and complete the statement 1
3  Explain the concept (Any 1) 2
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 05 - 06)  Marks
1  Examine the statements and correct the ones incorrect 2
2   Choose the correct option 2
3  Answer the following (any 2) 4
4  Explain the effects (any 1) 2


Std Ninth (2nd Unit )
Q.No English (Chp.:Unit 1) Marks
   Langauge Study (Tenses, Change the voice, Clauses, Transformation of sentences)  
   Do as directed 6

Textual Passage (Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

   Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below  5
1  Objective types of question 1
2  Answer the following questions 2
3  Give the meaning of 1
4  Personal response. 1
   Read the following extract and complete the activities that follows : 5
1  Objective types of question. 1
2  Answer the following questions. 2
3  Give the rhyming words from the given stanza 1
4  Name and explain the figure of speech 1
   Writing skills  4
1  1) letter writing (Informalletter) OR   (2) Report Writing    
Q.No Hindi (Chp.: 1 ,2,3,4,5, & 7) Marks
   विभाग 1 -गद्य     6
   विभाग 2-पद्य   5
   विभाग3-पूरक पठन 3
   विभाग -4 व्याकरण   2
   विभाग -5 रचना विभाग/ उपयोजित लेखन. 4
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: १, २) Marks
प्र १  पुढील उतारा त्याखालील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा (७)
प्र २  पुढील कविता वाचून त्या खालील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे लिहा (६)
प्र ३  स्वमत लिहा (२)
प्र ४  व्याकरण (५)
Q.No Algebra (Chp.: 1 & 2) Marks
1  SOLVE ANY TWO (Choose the correct alternative) 2
Q.No Geometry (Chp.: 1 & 2) Marks
1  SOLVE ANY TWO (Choose the correct alternative) 2
Q.No Science 1 (Chp.: 2 & 5) Marks
1A  Choose the correct alternatives  5
B  Answer the following. 2
a  True or False  
b  Correlations  
2A  Give scientific reason  (any 2)  4
B  Answer the following (Any 3) 6
3  Answer any one of  the following 3
Q.No Science 2 (Chp.: 1 & 4) Marks
1A  Choose the correct alternatives 5
B  Answer the following. 2
a  Find the odd one out  
b  Match the column  
2A  Give scientific reason  (any 2)  4
B  Answer the following (Any 3) 6
3  Answer any one of  the following 3
Q.No History (Chp.: 1 & 2) Marks
1  Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence. 5
2  Identify the wrong pair. 2
3  Answer in 25-30 Words (any 1) 3
4  Answer following in details/brief. (any 1) 4
Q.No Political Science (Chp.: 1) Marks
1  Choose the right option and write the sentence 3
2  Short notes / Explain the following concept / Answer in brief (any 1) 3
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 1 & 2)  Marks
1  Select the correct option 3
2  Are the sentences right or wrong ? Rewrite the wrong ones 2
3   Answer in brief (Any 3) 6
4  Answer in short  (Any 3) 6
5  Plot a Outline India/Brazil map 3